Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Friday November 22nd

When: 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Where: MRHS Cafeteria
Who: Jazz Ensembles, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble
What: A band Thanksgiving potluck. There will be activities before and after the dinner.
Food Assignments:

  • Seniors - Entree
  • Juniors - Sides / Appetizers
  • Sophomores - Desserts
  • Freshmen - Utensils / Drinks 
If you absolutely can't make it, talk to someone from Band Leadership. Otherwise everyone who can should be there.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Jazz Festival

Thursday November 14th

Concert attire is Concert Black
Bus will leave the school at 7:30am.
We will be there watching other performances and being good audience members up until 11:55am when we will perform. Each performance time slot is 25 minutes and we have two so we will hopefully be performing for 50 minutes until approximately 12:45pm.
We will have lunch there and each student should bring a sack lunch. There will be a student store open which takes cash only.
If all goes well we will return to the school around 1:45pm.

Please remember to turn in your permission slip.