Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall Concert *revised 10/22

Our first concert of the year is next Tuesday. The concert is at the Highline Performing Arts Center (401 S 152nd St, Burien, 98148).

Start time is 7pm and the students need to be there at 6:30pm so that they can put their instruments in the green room and find their seat in the audience.

***EDIT***There is an option for concert attire for this concert. Students can choose to either wear concert black as described below or they may choose to wear a school appropriate Halloween costume.
Concert attire is concert black. Juniors and Seniors can wear the old uniform (black slacks, white tux shirt, black vest, and black shoes and socks). For Freshmen, Sophomores, and any Juniors and Seniors that want, concert attire is black slacks, white shirt, black bow tie, black jacket, black shoes and socks (this is industry standard and will work for most community, college, and professional ensembles). Ladies: wear black and keep it school appropriate. It can be a skirt and blouse, slacks and blouse, or a dress. Keep in mind that we will be sitting on stage, so keep long skirt lengths.

It will be a fun concert! See everyone there.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Homecoming Game and Rehearsals

This Thursday we will have a rehearsal during 2nd and 3rd period on the practice field, not before school (we will still have jazz band).

Friday we will have a rehearsal at the stadium starting at 7:30am. There will be a bus leaving the school for the rehearsal. We will load the bus at 6:45am and leave at 7am. If you are not riding the bus, you are responsible for getting yourself there. Be ready to play by 7:30am (ready to play = instrument out of it's case + on the field).

There is no storage for our equipment at the stadium, so we will have to load and unload twice, once for the rehearsal and once for the game. Everyone's cooperation in loading and unloading will help this process move quickly and efficiantly.

The game starts at 8pm. We have a bus leaving the school at 7pm which means we will load at 6:45pm. If you are not taking the bus, be at the stadium ready to play at 7:30pm.

Our attire for this game is: blue band long-sleeve shirt (wear layers underneath to stay warm), white pants, white shoes, white socks, (optional white gloves).

Make sure you have the following songs memorized: Evil Ways, Call Me Maybe, the Fight Song.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Open House

Thanks to the students who played at the MRHS open house.

Global Connections Band

The Global Connections Wind Ensemble, under the direction of Lyn Nelthrop, has been invited to play for the Presidential Inauguration Music Festival in Washington D.C. This is an extraordianry opportunity and we are proud that they will be representing us in our nation's capital.

If you want to help send them there, there is a great event that features top-notch professional jazz ensembles like Pearl Django at the Copperleaf Restraunt on October 28th. You can not only support a local music program, but also listen to great music.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Jazz Band Fridays

In an attempt to gain some additional rehearsal time due to our short rehearsal periods, I am including some Friday rehearsals and sectional times for the jazz band. Rehearsals and sectionals will start after lunch on Friday (12:30pm). Below is the schedule:

Oct 26: Rehearsal
Nov 9: Sectionals
Nov 30: Rehearsal
Dec 7: Sectionals
Jan 11: Rehearsal
Jan 25: Sectionals
Feb 1: Jam Session
Feb 8: Jam Session
Mar 15: Sectionals
Mar 29: Rehearsal
Apr 19: Sectionals
May 10: Rehearsal

IB Music Class Schedule

2012-2013 IB Music Schedule
All classes are from 7:00-8:30pm in the band room.

Tue        Nov 6
Tue        Nov 13
Thu        Nov 29
Tue        Dec 4
Tue        Dec 11
Tue        Jan 8
Tue        Jan 15
Tue        Jan 22
Tue        Jan 29
Tue        Feb 5
Tue        Feb 12
Thu        Feb 21
Tue        Feb 26
Thu        Mar 7
Tue        Mar 12
Tue        Mar 19
Tue        Apr 16
Thu        Apr 18
Tue        Apr 23
Thu        Apr 25
Tue        Apr 30
Thu        May 2
Tue        May 7
Thu        May 9
Tue        May 14
Thu        May 16
Wed      May 22: Test
Thu        May 30: Party