Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Jazz Band with the Music Works Jazz Orchestra

Our jazz band has a unique opportunity to rehearse with and open for a professional Seattle jazz band: the Music Works Jazz Orchestra.

The rehearsal will take place next Monday (1/7) from 7:30-9:30pm. We will load the bus and leave at 6:15pm. The bus will be back at about 10:30pm that night.

The performance is at Tula's in downtown Seattle. We play the first set starting at 7:30pm. We will also have a bus that takes the band there. We will load the bus at 5:30pm and the bus will come back after MWJO's first set (about 10pm). Tula's will be packed! Make sure you make your reservations ahead of time to make sure you have a table. Hope to see you there!

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