Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pep Band Monday

Girls won today! We will play on Monday. We will have a bus to Showare that leaves MRHS at 4:30 pm. See you then.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Basketball Playoffs Pep-Band

Right now at MRHS we have two very talented basketball teams. In fact, our girls basketball team is currently ranked #1 in the state! This means that for the next three weeks, there will be many extra basketball playoff games. This weekend is the league tournament, next week regional, and the following week state. Because the games that they play are dependent on many variables we often do not find out about the when the games are until last minute. I want to respect your schedules, but at the same time it is our privilege to support our teams' success. So here is the lowdown on basketball playoff games: we will play if it is reasonable for us to do so. Students that have missed pep-band games can earn a make-up credit, and students that do not have missed games will earn extra credit. If students have prior responsibilities then they are excused, however all available students are expected to participate.
There is at least one game that we will play for this weekend: tomorrow night. There is a bus that will take us from MRHS to Stadium HS at 6:00pm tomorrow. We will get back at about 10:30pm. If the girls win tomorrow and Saturday, they will be in the SPSL finals on Monday.

If they play in the finals (which is likely), we will play.There will be a bus that leaves MRHS at 4:30pm on Monday to Showare for the final. We will get back between 8 and 9pm. I will send an update and post this (and other updates) on the blog to keep everyone in the loop.
Mat Montgomery

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New Music Classes

The MRHS band program has had some new classes approved for next year, such as Drumline/Percussion and Orchestra. There is also the possibility of an extra Jazz Ensemble class starting during normal class periods if more people want to join Jazz. If you are at all interested in any of these new classes make sure to sign up for them so the school gets a good idea of the number of student interested.

Service Area Concert

The Wind Ensemble will be playing at the Service Area Concert on March 7th 7pm at the PAC.
Concert Attire: Concert Black
Everyone is welcome
Cheer loud for the 6th grade and middle school bands, we play after them.

IB Recording on March 5th

Wind Ensemble IB Recording
March 5th 2:30-5:00pm at the PAC
Casual cloths are ok
Parents are welcome to sit and watch

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wind Ensemble Upcoming Performance

The Wind Ensemble will be playing at the PAC on March 4th with Kennedy Catholic HS and the Highline Community Band. 

The show starts at 7pm. Concert attire is concert black.

Sweet Harmonies

Live, romantic chamber music provided by the Mt. Rainier Wind Ensemble
Assorted desserts, coffee, and tea served

Location: MRHS Theater
Date: February 13th, 2013 
Time: 7:30pm
Cost: Tickets $12

All proceeds go toward the band for their Eastern Washington Spring Tour

Talk to a Wind Ensemble student or Mr. Montgomery for tickets

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Soundview Band Festival Flyer

Dear Band Parents:

On March 27th, we are hosting the Soundview Band Festival at the Highline Performing Arts Center. We will be at the PAC from 7:30am to 1:30pm. We will have busses taking us there and back, but in order to make this happen we need your help! We need at least 10 volunteers to come along as chaperones. Most of your job will be making sure that students are where they are supposed to be at any given time (and you'll get a chance to hear what we've been working on lately in band). Please let me know by Monday, February 11th if you can make it. Thanks!

Mat Montgomery