Sunday, March 17, 2013

Soundview Band Festival

The Soundview Festival is going to be on March 27th at the PAC. Both the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble are going to be playing. 

We are hosting this year which means we need to be there before everyone else. Our bus will LEAVE at 6:30 AM. We will load the bus at 6:15 AM. We will stay to clean up and head back to the school at 1:30 PM

Concert attire is concert black.

Monty has assigned everyone jobs and he will go over the details with students on Monday.

Students, please remember to turn in the permission slip.

Service Area Pictures

Hi All,

Below is a link to share with parents/public. They can view, share, purchase discounted prints and web quality downloads. They can also share links by email as well as by Twitter and Facebook.

Thank you,
Mel Ponder Photography

Friday, March 1, 2013

No Pep Band Tomorrow

The girls lost a heart-breaker to Mead tonight. Their next game conflicts with solo and ensemble, so we will not play tomorrow, but we wish them the best. Congrats on a great season. Go Rams!

Pep Band Friday

The girls won the game last night!
That means Pep Band again tonight. Be at the band room at 7 in your blue band shirt. It's a late game again so we won't be back till late again. Probably 11:30.

If the Girls win tonight then we will be playing tomorrow (Saturday), 5-9:30pm.