Friday, December 20, 2013


Due to snow, Highline School District is closed today and therefore there will be no pep band game tonight. Have a wonderful break!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Holiday Concert

Thursday, December 12th
Who: Jazz Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble
Where: Mt. Rainier High School Theater (NOT THE PAC)
When: If you are able to help set up be there at 3:00pm 
   Everyone else be at the school at 6:30pm. 
We start playing promptly at 7:00pm.      

Concert Attire: Concert Black

There is a $5.00 suggested donation for this concert as a
fund-raiser in order to bring guests musicians this year.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Friday November 22nd

When: 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Where: MRHS Cafeteria
Who: Jazz Ensembles, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble
What: A band Thanksgiving potluck. There will be activities before and after the dinner.
Food Assignments:

  • Seniors - Entree
  • Juniors - Sides / Appetizers
  • Sophomores - Desserts
  • Freshmen - Utensils / Drinks 
If you absolutely can't make it, talk to someone from Band Leadership. Otherwise everyone who can should be there.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Jazz Festival

Thursday November 14th

Concert attire is Concert Black
Bus will leave the school at 7:30am.
We will be there watching other performances and being good audience members up until 11:55am when we will perform. Each performance time slot is 25 minutes and we have two so we will hopefully be performing for 50 minutes until approximately 12:45pm.
We will have lunch there and each student should bring a sack lunch. There will be a student store open which takes cash only.
If all goes well we will return to the school around 1:45pm.

Please remember to turn in your permission slip.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall Concert

Tuesday, October 29th
Who: Jazz Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble
Where: Highline Performing Arts Center, 401 S 152nd St, Burien, WA 98148
When: Call-time 6:45pm; Down-beat at 7:00pm
Attire: “Concert Black.” 
  • MEN: Black shoes, black socks, black pants, white dress shirt (tux shirt preferred), black bow tie, black jacket. 
  • WOMEN: Black shoes, black pants or skirt or dress, black blouse, no low-cut neck lines, appropriate length skirts (keep in mind you will be sitting on stage).
Do not be late and please stay for all the other bands.

Homecoming Game Pep Band

Friday October 25th
Who: Pep-Band
What: Homecoming Game
Where: Highline Stadium
When5:45pm: Load Busses; 6:00pm: Busses leave; 8:00pm: Kickoff; 10:30pm: Return to MRHS
Attire: White shoes, white pants, blue long-sleeve band shirt, LAYERS underneath to keep warm, white gloves (optional). Dress warm. Prepare for rain.
No jackets or sweatshirts over band shirt.

Homecoming Game Half-Time Practice

Thursday October 24th
Who: Pep-Band
What: Half-Time Dress Rehearsal
Where: Highline Stadium
When7:15am: Load busses; 7:30am: Busses leave; 8:00am: Rehearse; 10:30am: Return to MRHS
Attire: Dress warm. Prepare for rain.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

IB music party tonight

Band room


Monday, June 10th, ShoWare Center
10:30am School gets out
10:30-11:05 Lunch
11:05 Meet in the band room (do not take the normal bus home)
11:05-12:00 Combine rehearsal
12:00-12:30 Load equipment on the bus
12:30 Depart to ShoWare
1:00 Set up at ShoWare, dress rehearsal of graduation
3:00-5:00 Graduation
5:00 Load bus, travel back to MRHS
6:00 Unload equipment at MRHS, go home.

Concert attire: concert black (make sure you have it at school that day).

Friday, May 17, 2013

Symphonic Band Members Needed For Peter And The Wolf

The Wind Ensemble needs Symphonic Band members to play parts for Peter and the Wolf.

Available parts:

The Symphonic Members who wish to help need to talk to Sabrina Atzbach, Courtney Heinrich, or Monty ASAP.

The performance will be taught at 4:00pm at the PAC on Tuesday before the concert. Those participating will need to be there then, instead of 6:30pm.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Spring Band Concert

Our final concert of the year is getting close. The concert will be Tuesday May 21st at 7:00pm at the PAC.

Concert Attire is Concert Black

Wind Ensemble members should be there at 4:30 to run through Peter and the Wolf. Everyone else be there at 6:30.

Every Band will be performing:
Jazz Ensemble
Symphonic Band
Wind Ensemble
Orchestra Club
Pacific Jazz Club

This is the last concert of the year so be prepared to play your very best.

Remember, this doesn't mean that we are done for the year. The Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors are going to be playing for graduation. So we cannot start to slack off in band.

MRHS Arts Night

Date: Monday, May 20
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Location: MRHS Theater & Cafeteria
Light Refreshments served

There will be Visual Arts, Photography and 2D &3D art displayed, as well as performances from each of the MRHS bands and the Choirs. 

Each Band needs to be ready to perform Monday with their instruments and Concert Attire.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Jazz Band at Des Moines Yacht Club

The Jazz band will be playing for the Des Moines Yacht Club on Saturday, May 11th.

Concert Attire is Concert Black.

Des Moines Yacht Club Itinerary

Friday, May 10th
12:00-1:00pm   Load equipment into vehicles.

Saturday, May 11th
10:00am           Set up Stage at Des Moines Yacht Club
11:00am           Perform
12:00am           Pack Up

Monday, May 13th
6:45am             Bring equipment back to band room.

Des Moines Yacht Club
22737 Marina View Drive South
Des Moines, WA

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Updated IB Music Schedule

5/20 – SL After school study session (2:10-4:00pm)
5/22 – SL Exam (Noon-2:30pm)
5/30 – Party

All classes are from 6:30-8:00pm unless otherwise noted.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Soundview Band Festival

The Soundview Festival is going to be on March 27th at the PAC. Both the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble are going to be playing. 

We are hosting this year which means we need to be there before everyone else. Our bus will LEAVE at 6:30 AM. We will load the bus at 6:15 AM. We will stay to clean up and head back to the school at 1:30 PM

Concert attire is concert black.

Monty has assigned everyone jobs and he will go over the details with students on Monday.

Students, please remember to turn in the permission slip.

Service Area Pictures

Hi All,

Below is a link to share with parents/public. They can view, share, purchase discounted prints and web quality downloads. They can also share links by email as well as by Twitter and Facebook.

Thank you,
Mel Ponder Photography

Friday, March 1, 2013

No Pep Band Tomorrow

The girls lost a heart-breaker to Mead tonight. Their next game conflicts with solo and ensemble, so we will not play tomorrow, but we wish them the best. Congrats on a great season. Go Rams!

Pep Band Friday

The girls won the game last night!
That means Pep Band again tonight. Be at the band room at 7 in your blue band shirt. It's a late game again so we won't be back till late again. Probably 11:30.

If the Girls win tonight then we will be playing tomorrow (Saturday), 5-9:30pm.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pep Band Monday

Girls won today! We will play on Monday. We will have a bus to Showare that leaves MRHS at 4:30 pm. See you then.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Basketball Playoffs Pep-Band

Right now at MRHS we have two very talented basketball teams. In fact, our girls basketball team is currently ranked #1 in the state! This means that for the next three weeks, there will be many extra basketball playoff games. This weekend is the league tournament, next week regional, and the following week state. Because the games that they play are dependent on many variables we often do not find out about the when the games are until last minute. I want to respect your schedules, but at the same time it is our privilege to support our teams' success. So here is the lowdown on basketball playoff games: we will play if it is reasonable for us to do so. Students that have missed pep-band games can earn a make-up credit, and students that do not have missed games will earn extra credit. If students have prior responsibilities then they are excused, however all available students are expected to participate.
There is at least one game that we will play for this weekend: tomorrow night. There is a bus that will take us from MRHS to Stadium HS at 6:00pm tomorrow. We will get back at about 10:30pm. If the girls win tomorrow and Saturday, they will be in the SPSL finals on Monday.

If they play in the finals (which is likely), we will play.There will be a bus that leaves MRHS at 4:30pm on Monday to Showare for the final. We will get back between 8 and 9pm. I will send an update and post this (and other updates) on the blog to keep everyone in the loop.
Mat Montgomery

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New Music Classes

The MRHS band program has had some new classes approved for next year, such as Drumline/Percussion and Orchestra. There is also the possibility of an extra Jazz Ensemble class starting during normal class periods if more people want to join Jazz. If you are at all interested in any of these new classes make sure to sign up for them so the school gets a good idea of the number of student interested.

Service Area Concert

The Wind Ensemble will be playing at the Service Area Concert on March 7th 7pm at the PAC.
Concert Attire: Concert Black
Everyone is welcome
Cheer loud for the 6th grade and middle school bands, we play after them.

IB Recording on March 5th

Wind Ensemble IB Recording
March 5th 2:30-5:00pm at the PAC
Casual cloths are ok
Parents are welcome to sit and watch

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wind Ensemble Upcoming Performance

The Wind Ensemble will be playing at the PAC on March 4th with Kennedy Catholic HS and the Highline Community Band. 

The show starts at 7pm. Concert attire is concert black.

Sweet Harmonies

Live, romantic chamber music provided by the Mt. Rainier Wind Ensemble
Assorted desserts, coffee, and tea served

Location: MRHS Theater
Date: February 13th, 2013 
Time: 7:30pm
Cost: Tickets $12

All proceeds go toward the band for their Eastern Washington Spring Tour

Talk to a Wind Ensemble student or Mr. Montgomery for tickets

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Soundview Band Festival Flyer

Dear Band Parents:

On March 27th, we are hosting the Soundview Band Festival at the Highline Performing Arts Center. We will be at the PAC from 7:30am to 1:30pm. We will have busses taking us there and back, but in order to make this happen we need your help! We need at least 10 volunteers to come along as chaperones. Most of your job will be making sure that students are where they are supposed to be at any given time (and you'll get a chance to hear what we've been working on lately in band). Please let me know by Monday, February 11th if you can make it. Thanks!

Mat Montgomery

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Jazz Band with the Music Works Jazz Orchestra

Our jazz band has a unique opportunity to rehearse with and open for a professional Seattle jazz band: the Music Works Jazz Orchestra.

The rehearsal will take place next Monday (1/7) from 7:30-9:30pm. We will load the bus and leave at 6:15pm. The bus will be back at about 10:30pm that night.

The performance is at Tula's in downtown Seattle. We play the first set starting at 7:30pm. We will also have a bus that takes the band there. We will load the bus at 5:30pm and the bus will come back after MWJO's first set (about 10pm). Tula's will be packed! Make sure you make your reservations ahead of time to make sure you have a table. Hope to see you there!


The Highline Schools Foundation awarded the band program two grants this year!

We were awarded the "Keep Our Percussionists Awesome" EXCEL Grant to get stick bags and practice pads to keep our mallets and sticks organized and in good condition and so that the percussionists can practice their technique.

We were also awarded the "Authentic Trumpet Section" MAD Grant for a set of cup mutes and harmon mutes. The jazz band plays music that was originally written for professional jazz bands like the Count Basie Orchestra, the Benny Goodman Orchestra, and the Duke Ellington Orchestra. The trumpet sections of these groups regularly used these mutes. Therefor, these mutes allow us to emulate the authentic sounds of the bands that came before us.

Thank you Highline Schools Foundation!