Monday, September 17, 2012

Parent Night Highlights

It was great to see the parents at the parent night last Thursday! I saw a lot of familiar faces as well as some new ones.

The first thing that was discussed is this year's band trip. The Wind Ensemble is going on tour in Eastern Washington. We will visit CWU, UI, and possibly WSU, then stop in Leavenworth to put all of our new found knowledge into practice. We will be traveling in tandem with the concert choir. Fund-raising, clinics, and chaperons will be separate, as well as the clinics, but we will be traveling to the same places at the same time. The dates are April 3rd through April 6th (Wed-Sat the week before Spring Break). One thing that wasn't mentioned at the meeting is that we will need at least 6 chaperones (at least 4 men and at least 2 women) to go on the trip with us. Please let me know if you can be a part of this asap.

In order to go on tour, we will need to do some fund-raising. Will Stedman (our Band Booster's President) said that the most effective way to raise funds is for individual families to either: 1) Find a fundraiser that has worked for them before or that they want to try or 2) try a fundraiser that someone else has already put in place. This can take many forms: concessions at sporting events, bake sales, wreaths, cookie-dough, car wash. The other thing that we can do is find local businesses to sponsor in that we could make mention of at our concerts. If anyone has fund-raising ideas, contact Will ( Also, he is wanting to fill out the Band Boosters officers with a vice president, treasurer, and possibly secretary. Let him know how you would best like to serve.

The last thing that we talked about was concert attire. For the pep-band: the pep-band shirt and jeans are fine with most pep band games. For the Macy's Holiday Parade and the homecoming game, we will wear the pep band shirt (with many layers underneath to stay warm), white pants (white jeans are ok), and white shoes. For our formal concert attire, we are currently in transition. Juniors and Seniors can wear the old concert attire: Black slacks, white tux shirt, black vest, black shoes and socks. The new concert attire is: (Men) Black slacks, white dress (tux) shirt, black bow tie, black jacket, black shoes and socks; (Women) Black dress, or black skirt and blouse, or black slacks and blouse. Ladies keep in mind that we represent the MRHS band program and we are sitting on stage. Skirts should be appropriate length and outfits should be school appropriate. This attire is what is known as "concert black" in the music profession. This is standard for any community/college/professional ensemble, both vocal and instrumental.

Finally, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me:

Go Rams!

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