Sunday, September 23, 2012

Band Retreat Pics

The band retreat was a great success! What an awesome time we had playing games and getting to know each other better. Surely this is the start of a great year!

As people entered we played card games.

Gunnar was showing us how he can make his arm disappear.

We then divided into teams and played a few rounds of dodge-ball.

We followed up dodge-ball with "Extreme Hot Potato." This is played by passing around a mystery food item inside of a paper bag while music plays. Once the music stops, whoever is holding the bag has to open it up and eat whatever food item is inside. Sometimes good...somtimes...not so much.
 Artichoke hearts.
 Cheese and crackers package (all at once).
 Yogurt (no spoon).
 Not sure, but Spencer started laughing after stuffing his face with it.
 Chicken and gravy flavored baby food.
 Liver pate`.
Mikael finished off the rest of the Nutella.

After lunch we played a rousing game of ultimate frisbee on the field, then went back inside to get to know our sections better and set section goals. The final activity of the day was Simon Says. Mika came up with some creative uses of his powers as "Simon."
A round of high-fives from Cameron to the group.
"Ring Around the Rosie" at various octaves.
Couples dancing.
An acted representation of the effects of global warming on a polar bear.

I had a great time at this retreat and I hope that everyone else did as well.

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