Sunday, September 2, 2012

First Pep Band Game

Our first pep band game is this Friday (9/7). The game starts at 8pm and we are playing the national anthem, so be in your seat ready to play no later than 7:30pm.

Transportation: There will be a bus available for us. It leaves at 6:30pm from the MRHS. We will load the bus at 6:15pm (including percussion equipment). The bus is not mandatory, but if you are using alternate transportation, there is a form that needs to be filled out. You only need one form for all of the football games. Students can pick the form up from me on Tuesday.

Attire: Wear your blue pep-band long-sleeve t-shirt and jeans. Please make sure you wear layers underneath to stay warm! If you do not have a band t-shirt yet, wear blue.


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