Friday, September 28, 2012

Clarification on Pep Band

I understand that we all live busy lives. Many students are involved in sports and other clubs outside of band. I am a supporter of students being involved and I don't want band to get in the way of a great high school experience.

Pep band is our way of supporting the school. It is both a privilage and an obligation. It is important that we represent both the school and the music program well. In order to do this, we need students to commit to playing these games so long as it is reasonable. Before making future plans, please check the band calendar to keep conflicts at a minimum. Students that have a previously planned event that prevents them from participating will have the opportunity to make up the pep-band game.

In order to be fair to the students that played for the game as well as be sensitive to busy schedules, I offer ways to make up pep band games so that students grades are not affected. Students can make up a pep band game by meeting me after school and doing office work (mostly sorting and organizing music). For students in sports, Friday during lunch is the best option.

Venezualan Trumpet Player

Orchestra Club: Spread the Word

In an attempt to bring a string program to MRHS, we are going to start an orchestra club. This will be for strings only (violin, viola, cello, bass) and to start it out we need at least 10 students to be charter members of the club. If you know of any string players who currently attend MRHS or any motivated students who want to learn a string instrument, have them contact me.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Follow us on Twitter


Pep Band Game Friday

It's another late game.

If you're riding the bus: Load the bus at 6:15. Leave at 6:30. The bus will most likely get back to the school close to 11pm.

If not: see you at the stadium ready to play by 7:30.

Blue band shirts and jeans/spirit wear.

Funeral March of a Marionette

Here's a good recording of our arrangement of "Funeral March of a Marionette":

The Witch and the Saint

Good recording of "The Witch and the Saint":

Duke Ellington--The Mooche

 Here are a couple of good recordings to listen to:
(original 1928 recording)
(live sometime in the 50's or 60's)
(1966, my favorite trumpet solo of the three)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Band Retreat Pics

The band retreat was a great success! What an awesome time we had playing games and getting to know each other better. Surely this is the start of a great year!

As people entered we played card games.

Gunnar was showing us how he can make his arm disappear.

We then divided into teams and played a few rounds of dodge-ball.

We followed up dodge-ball with "Extreme Hot Potato." This is played by passing around a mystery food item inside of a paper bag while music plays. Once the music stops, whoever is holding the bag has to open it up and eat whatever food item is inside. Sometimes good...somtimes...not so much.
 Artichoke hearts.
 Cheese and crackers package (all at once).
 Yogurt (no spoon).
 Not sure, but Spencer started laughing after stuffing his face with it.
 Chicken and gravy flavored baby food.
 Liver pate`.
Mikael finished off the rest of the Nutella.

After lunch we played a rousing game of ultimate frisbee on the field, then went back inside to get to know our sections better and set section goals. The final activity of the day was Simon Says. Mika came up with some creative uses of his powers as "Simon."
A round of high-fives from Cameron to the group.
"Ring Around the Rosie" at various octaves.
Couples dancing.
An acted representation of the effects of global warming on a polar bear.

I had a great time at this retreat and I hope that everyone else did as well.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Band Retreat

Tomorrow, from 9-5 will be our band retreat at MRHS. The purpose it to build up the band program as a team. In order to do this, we will be engaging in many team building activities. No instruments needed. Bring a sack lunch. See you then!

Mr. M.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Corner Pocket

Jazz band, check out the following link:

Parent Night Highlights

It was great to see the parents at the parent night last Thursday! I saw a lot of familiar faces as well as some new ones.

The first thing that was discussed is this year's band trip. The Wind Ensemble is going on tour in Eastern Washington. We will visit CWU, UI, and possibly WSU, then stop in Leavenworth to put all of our new found knowledge into practice. We will be traveling in tandem with the concert choir. Fund-raising, clinics, and chaperons will be separate, as well as the clinics, but we will be traveling to the same places at the same time. The dates are April 3rd through April 6th (Wed-Sat the week before Spring Break). One thing that wasn't mentioned at the meeting is that we will need at least 6 chaperones (at least 4 men and at least 2 women) to go on the trip with us. Please let me know if you can be a part of this asap.

In order to go on tour, we will need to do some fund-raising. Will Stedman (our Band Booster's President) said that the most effective way to raise funds is for individual families to either: 1) Find a fundraiser that has worked for them before or that they want to try or 2) try a fundraiser that someone else has already put in place. This can take many forms: concessions at sporting events, bake sales, wreaths, cookie-dough, car wash. The other thing that we can do is find local businesses to sponsor in that we could make mention of at our concerts. If anyone has fund-raising ideas, contact Will ( Also, he is wanting to fill out the Band Boosters officers with a vice president, treasurer, and possibly secretary. Let him know how you would best like to serve.

The last thing that we talked about was concert attire. For the pep-band: the pep-band shirt and jeans are fine with most pep band games. For the Macy's Holiday Parade and the homecoming game, we will wear the pep band shirt (with many layers underneath to stay warm), white pants (white jeans are ok), and white shoes. For our formal concert attire, we are currently in transition. Juniors and Seniors can wear the old concert attire: Black slacks, white tux shirt, black vest, black shoes and socks. The new concert attire is: (Men) Black slacks, white dress (tux) shirt, black bow tie, black jacket, black shoes and socks; (Women) Black dress, or black skirt and blouse, or black slacks and blouse. Ladies keep in mind that we represent the MRHS band program and we are sitting on stage. Skirts should be appropriate length and outfits should be school appropriate. This attire is what is known as "concert black" in the music profession. This is standard for any community/college/professional ensemble, both vocal and instrumental.

Finally, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me:

Go Rams!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Band Parent Potluck 9/13

This Thursday (9/13) is the band parent potluck starting at 6:30pm in the MRHS cafeteria. What you bring is based on what year your student is:

Freshmen: drinks
Sophomores: sides
Juniors: main dishes
Seniors: desserts

Students do not need to be present. We will be going over plans for this year including the schedule, fundraising, and a possible trip. Come with questions, suggestions, and (most importantly) food. See you then.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

First Pep Band Game

Our first pep band game is this Friday (9/7). The game starts at 8pm and we are playing the national anthem, so be in your seat ready to play no later than 7:30pm.

Transportation: There will be a bus available for us. It leaves at 6:30pm from the MRHS. We will load the bus at 6:15pm (including percussion equipment). The bus is not mandatory, but if you are using alternate transportation, there is a form that needs to be filled out. You only need one form for all of the football games. Students can pick the form up from me on Tuesday.

Attire: Wear your blue pep-band long-sleeve t-shirt and jeans. Please make sure you wear layers underneath to stay warm! If you do not have a band t-shirt yet, wear blue.



Bring your instruments on Tuesday! We will be playing!

Band Student Handbook

Last week in class we went over the band student handbook in class. The handbook should be signed by both the student and the parent and turned in on Tuesday, September 4th.

Two things I forgot to include in the handbook were how to letter in band and how to qualify for the "8 Year Award."

There are two letters that students can earn: band and jazz. Two full years in Wind Ensemble will qualify a student to earn a letter in band. Similarly, two full years in Jazz Band will qualify a student to earn a letter in jazz.

The "8 Year Award" is awarded to student who have participated in school band for eight years without a break. This is awarded to the students who started band in 5th grade and continued for every term until their senior year in high school. The only exception is for students that went to Parkside and started in 6th grade. This is one of the highest honors that a band student can achieve because of the dedication and perseverance that it takes to commit to band for eight years.


Welcome to the new MRHS Bands blog.

This is designed to be for parents, students, and fans of the Mt. Rainier Band program.

This blog will replace the old MRHS Bands website. The website took too much time for me to update and when other things took priority, I ended up just not updating it at all. This format is much more conducive to how I communicate. I hope that you will find this useful as well.